Put your imagination to good use as you try to find a fitness regimen to start. There are many activities out there that offer a great workout and do not involve going to the gym. By finding activities that you enjoy, you will not become bored but rather look forward to your exercise.
Strengthening your thighs is a great way to protect your knees. Located behind the kneecap, a torn ligament is a very common injury in sports. Prevent this injury by exercising your quadriceps and hamstrings. Leg extensions and curls are great exercises to accomplish this.
The basic strategy of increasing muscle mass is to lift heavier weights for fewer repetitions. First, pick a muscle group, like your pectoral muscles. Make sure you do a set of reps using light weights. Do 15-20 reps during this warm-up set. Then, increase to a weight that you can't do more than 6 to 8 reps with. Add on another five pounds, then complete a third repetition.
Always wear the proper shoes when performing any exercise routine. When you don't wear shoes specifically designed for the activity you are doing, you are risking injuring your legs and feet. You can also cause foot discomfort post-workout which can prevent you from exercising later.

It is often helpful to count backwards when you are completing repetitive exercises. That way, you will know how many really remain, and you will stay motivated to complete them.
If you are looking to speed up your strength building, try exercising the same amount but cutting your exercise time by 10%. As your muscles work harder, your endurance will improve. For instance, if your usual workout takes thirty minutes, try to get it done in twenty-seven minutes next time.

Are you interested in making your chin-ups more easy to perform? Changing the focus while performing them can help. Think of yourself pulling your elbows downward instead of lifting yourself up. You will talk yourself into thinking they are easier and thus you will do more.
If you want to work out, don't call it working out or exercising. Referring to your routine by those names can reduce your motivation for exercise. Instead, you should think about your goals, the sense of accomplishment and the fun you have when you go running, cycling or swimming.
People often make the mistake of thinking that they should work on their six-pack every day. Actually, this is unlikely to produce the desired results. Like other muscles, you should rest your abs periodically. Abdominal workouts should only be done every two or three days.
If you come down with an illness, skip your workout. Let your body use all its resources to get well, rather than demanding more of it. You will not be doing your muscles good if you work out when you are ill. So, you should refrain from working out until your body has recovered from illness. Meanwhile, eat properly and rest as much as you can.
One great fitness technique is to do dips. Dips are an effective exercise to work not only your triceps, but your chest and shoulders, too. There are a lot of ways this is possible. It is possible to do dips between two benches that are properly positioned. Additionally, you can enhance the effectiveness of dips by adding weight to them.
You should count down backwards from the maximum. Rather than counting upwards when tallying repetitions, count backwards from the intended total. This helps make your workouts seem much easier and shorter because you're thinking in lesser amounts. By knowing exactly how many reps are left you will stay motivated.
When making your fitness goal, think about the reason you want to get fit. Regardless of which approach you take, you can be sure that your hard work will pay off in the end.